Wedding Bells and Kitchen Smells

What Our Wedding Cake Tasted Like One Year Later
E and I made it to a year of marriage. We celebrated with a stale piece of wedding cake.

Wedding Wednesday: What I Learned In My First Month of Marriage
Some people think marriage changes everything. Those people aren’t married. Some things do change. Some things have to change. Other things remain constant, and that’s comforting. Here’s what I’ve learned in my first month of marriage.

Wedding Wednesday: Our Cake is Here!
After we left the top of our wedding cake in Barbados, our wedding planner Jean Hill was nice enough to Fed Ex it to us! It made it through customs and arrived yesterday, in tact, still frozen. It will stay tucked in our freezer until June 6, 2016.

Wedding Wednesday: Tips for Packing Welcome Bags Guests Will Actually Use
E and I added personal touches to our small wedding for 35 guests. One of them, after much debate, was our welcome bags.

The Wedding Cake We Left Behind
E and I have already broken one wedding tradition: saving the top of your wedding cake for the first anniversary. Newlyweds are supposed to freeze the top of their wedding cake and eat it on their first wedding anniversary. It’s tradition. it’s good luck. And I’m all for doing whatever I can to bless my […]

The 300 Wedding: The Highlight Reel
photo by Gina Francesca Photography and Design Wow. The 300 wedding was the absolute most fun I’ve ever had in my life!

It Was Worth All of the Sandwiches!
With love, from Barbados. Photo by Gina Francesca Photography & Design.

Wedding Wednesday: Choosing, or not Choosing, the Menu
Is it irresponsible for a food blogger to consider food a low priority at her wedding?

Wedding Wednesday: One Major Cake Disappointment
Today on Wedding Wednesday, I’m revealing something truly heartbreaking. I’m not going to have something I’ve always dreamed of for my wedding. Since the idea of marrying E became a reality, I looked forward to one special moment between him and I during the wedding that I’m not going to experience. I feel heavy in […]

Wedding Wednesday: Two Months Away
Invitations: In the mail! Dress: being constructed! Bridesmaids: Chosen! Groomsmen: chosen (but E hasn’t told them both yet). Menus: choosing food this week Cake: Chose two, finalizing decision today! Rehearsal dinner menu: set! Reception dinner menu: choosing items this week Wedding bands: need to order DJ: hired! Making progress! Still a lot left to do. […]

Wedding Wednesday: Tips on Choosing Wedding Invitations
I whittled down my guest list to a manageable number. Now I need to let them know they’ve been invited. Next step on my wedding checklist: choosing wedding invitations.
Wedding Wednesday: How to Save $1,000 on Your Wedding
I’m just four months away from my wedding, and things are starting to add up. Venue, menu, DJ, decor….and the costs for all of those things. Before writing a check, I found one way to save $1,000 on our big night.

Wedding Wednesday: Who Makes the Guest List?
This has been a stressor for the last month: who to invite to our wedding?
I Want This To Happen at My Wedding
I wonder what my mom would say if Maroon 5 crashed my wedding? The reaction of the bride at 3:21 is priceless. Just a little Friday wedding fun for you.

Wedding Wednesday: The 4-Hour Wedding
I’ve been obsessively reading Timothy Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek” since my pal G gave it to me for Christmas. It got me thinking: could I apply his techniques to wedding planning?
Wedding Wednesday: Aussie Inspiration
This Australian wedding featured on Style Me Pretty has been the inspiration for E and I’s wedding planning. The helicopter, the beach. The putting on lipstick from the co-pilot’s seat. We have gone through this wedding album about 30 times. Elopement is looking more and more appealing….

Wedding Wednesday: Our Date, Our Holiday
What do you do if your wedding falls on a prominent holiday, particularly a somber one?

Honeymoon Wanderlust
I didn’t cook this morning because E and I spent two hours talking about our honeymoon.

Wedding Wednesday: How to Have an Instagram Envy-Worthy Wedding
Aside from worrying about the location, the invite list and the costs, I have something else to worry about for my wedding: how to make sure it looks amazing on Instagram.