By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags : holidays, notes, thoughts, Valentine's Day
It’s that time again. February 14 is around the corner.
In all honesty, E and I don’t go overboard with Valentine’s Day because 1.) we celebrate each other every day, and 2.) we don’t want to buy into consumer hype to spend more money on overpriced dinners out or cheesy gifts to say ‘I love you’. For us, it just feels forced. We’d rather keep it simple and say ‘I love you’ with displays of affection not written in calligraphy on greeting cards.
No matter how we celebrate, we will enjoy a good meal on V-Day—and of COURSE I’m going to make him a celebratory sandwich. Last night, I tried experimenting with some heart-shaped sugar cookie sandwiches, but halfway through cooking I ran out of sugar and had to bail on my effort! Ugh.
What do you think I should make E for Valentine’s Day? Suggestions welcome below or on our Facebook page!
P.S.–I have to give a shout out to my mother, who celebrated her birthday yesterday. When I was a single girl, and a single adult in my late 20s, mom would always send me Valentine’s Day cards and small teddy bears or stuffed animals to make sure I always felt loved on Feb. 14. She didn’t want her little girl feeling lonely on the holiday. I’ll never forget that token of love, and will do that for my kids if they’re ever alone on V-Day. Thanks, mom! Love you!

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