By 300 Sandwiches
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E and I have been getting a lot of questions about the future since we announced our engagement this week. Let us clarify a few things:
Q: Have you set a wedding date yet?
A: No. I have no idea what I’m doing for lunch, much less when we’re going to get married. Give us a few weeks, and we might have an idea.
Q: Where are you getting married?
A: Again, no idea. But we’re considering the New York area or a destination affair. Or, says my kite surfing fiancĂ©, “any place that has good wind.”
Q: Will you serve sandwiches at your wedding?
A: Ha! I guess it might be a disappointment to people if we don’t have at least an appetizer of tea sandwiches for people to snack on. But we can guarantee sammies would not be the only thing on the menu.
Q: Will there still be a book based on 300 Sandwiches?
A: Absolutely! Though the ending might be a bit different than I expected. It will be out spring 2015!
Q: Now that E has proposed, will you still make the other 43 sandwiches, and will live on?
A: Absolutely to both! And we love hearing your recipe suggestions: what sort of sandwiches do you think I should make for E now that he’s popped the question? Leave your suggestions below, or on our Facebook page, or e-mail us at!

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