By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Travel, Uncategorized | Tags : busy, Grammys, hollywood, los angeles, travel
I’ve been gone for a minute….but I’m back.
The day job sometimes take me out of the kitchen. But last week’s assignment was worth it— I was at the friggin GRAMMYS! Yes, the Grammys, y’all. Did you watch?
Yes, I was there for the Kanye/Beck moment. And then for the Kanye/Taylor Swift moment. I saw Sam Smith get on stage four times to accept his well-deserved trophies. It was all amazing. You can read more about what I got into here.
Unfortunately I was so focused on work that I didn’t take time to reflect on my sunny, warm west coast surroundings. I flipped through my photos on my phone from the weekend, and I had not one from the rooftop pool of downtown LA, or the sunset, or the hilltop mansions. Not one palm tree was documented in my iPhone. I never saw a sunset. I never ate a sandwich. Yes, four days in LA, and not one sandwich. Not even a burrito. I just ate what was the most efficient so I could work more, which was the extended breakfast bar and salads.
I regret that I didn’t enjoy my surrounds more, as now I’m back in chilly grey New York City and who knows when the next time I’ll see a sunset will be (it’ll certainly be a while until I see palm tree). I don’t want life to just pass me by. I want to savor each moment. Taste my food, so to speak, not just eat it.
I am now promising to take five minutes to reflect on my surroundings once a day, which is good advice for all living these hectic lives we live in a multimedia driven world. It’s important to sit still and appreciate what’s around us. Snow. Blankets. Coffee. E. Sandwich #272. Spreadsheets from wedding planners. Tall buildings. Small cars. Cute babies. Furry dogs.
Life looks pretty good when you take time to take in the view.
The view above is by Jorg Hackemann/

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