By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags : banana, breakfast, peanut butter, recipe, waffle
E and I have totally different morning schedules. He works until 2 am and wakes up after 8, I’m up at 6:15 am for running/blogging/cooking/cleaning/teeth whitening/hellraising. Breakfast has been shortened to a two minute meeting over the stove.
Last spring, we always took time to have our coffee out on the patio and catch up before we got ready for work. We could even take the train together for at least half of my journey to my office. But as the winter dragged on, and our schedules diverged further, we had very little morning quality time.
Now that the weather is better, patio coffee time is back! This morning, I made mini waffle, peanut butter and banana sandwiches with peanut butter. They take 5 minutes to put together, are small enough to eat with one hand while we hold our coffee mugs in another, and the banana and peanut butter, provide solid post run nutrients and protein (the potassium also helps with muscle recovery).
I brought breakfast outside to the patio, and found E sitting in a sunny chair wrapped up in his white robe, talking to the plants. We sat down and sipped coffee while discussing the growth of our cilantro and our plans for the day. I lingered there for longer than two minutes. Spring has officially sprung.
8 mini waffles
1/2 banana sliced
2 tablespoons peanut butter
cinnamon sprinkled on for taste
Toast waffles. Slather on peanut butter. Layer slices of banana. Sprinkle on cinnamon. Top with waffle. Serve.

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