By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags : coffee, Friday, frothed, love, products, together
Not sure if you know (or care), but New York Fashion Week is well underway.
I cover Fashion Week for my day job, which means for a week I spend 12 hours a day rushing from fashion shows to fashion parties, and only see E when I crawl in bed well past dinner. One thing that gets me through a week of running around to shows and filing copy and still squeezing in quality time with my man is coffee. E and I start our days together with a cup o’ joe. When the weather is nice, we chill on our patio with our coffee and iPads and read the papers and talk about our upcoming day. Or plan a vacation. Or talk to our plants.
I boil the water and grind the beans, and E usually pours the coffee with perfectly frothed milk with a sprinkle of nutmeg and cinnamon on top.
The one thing he uses to get that nice foamy cream topping? A $5 milk frother from Ikea.
You want fancy Starbucks coffee? You want coffee so good your girlfriend washes your car and irons your underwear? Or your boyfriend picks up your dry cleaning and pays for it? You want coffee that makes your mother nag herself? All you need is this cheap tool. Froths amazing milk every time.
Something about that extra touch of making foamy milk for someone’s cup of coffee shows a person you truly care. Also, a foamy milk mustache brightens anyone’s morning.
Happy Friday, y’all!
Find the one above here. For you big spenders, here’s one that’s slightly fancier.

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