By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Weddings | Tags : food, menu, sandwiches, wedding, wedding menu, Wedding Wednesday
Is it irresponsible for a food blogger to consider food a low priority at her wedding?
I’ve had the most hands on experience with the dress, the invitations, the venue, the song list and the wine for this wedding. The food, I’ve given minimal thought to.
We’ve eaten at our rehearsal dinner venue, so we know the food and service are good. We know the local cuisine includes fresh fish straight from the sea and hand picked produce. We even plan to host our own Sunday brunch with local fare cooked by our own mothers. Similar to cake tasting, most people taste the food to be served at their ceremony. We’re just winging it. And frankly, I’m not that concerned.
Oddly, I was more anal about our disappointing envelopes for our invitations than I did about the food. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s just hard to care. One, I’m a five hour flight from my venue, so just like the cake tasting, a menu tasting isn’t possible either.
But here’s the thing about wedding food: I cannot remember one wedding where I woke up the next day, head foggy from the Champagne the night before, where I picked up my cell phone to swipe through the photos and thought to myself, “wow, that was an amazing burrata salad they had last night.” I have never pined for the mini egg rolls or even the sushi served during a cocktail hour. The surf and turf at that Palm Beach wedding? Tasty, yes. Memorable? Nope.
I also don’t recall eating any wedding cake at the last two weddings I attended.
E and I are in agreement here. We certainly have chosen the best menu items that our caterer offered. There will be Peking duck and sea scallops. We chose a menu that had enough vegetables, fish and meat for all to eat well. There will be sandwiches, too, at our Sunday brunch. But I’m not going to be back in the kitchen making caviar topped tea sandwiches in my wedding gown, or hovering over the chef to make sure only organic greens are used for our salads.
My top priorities for this wedding include a kick ass DJ and a track list full of soulful jams, ’80s favorites and dance tunes to make sure everyone is dancing all night long and at least one person ends up in the pool. I will also include enough wine for all, and enough places for people to sit.
I don’t expect anyone to remember the food at our wedding after they’ve flown back home. I do expect there to be talk of how Uncle Jimmy led Aunt Debbie down the Soul Train line to Mystikal’s “Shake It Fast.” That is a recipe for a good wedding, my friends.
51 more days, kids, 51 more days.

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