By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags : Caphalon, decisions, shopping, waffle iron
Thanks you all for your waffle iron suggestions yesterday. I really needed the guidance. I’m the worst consumer ever.
It takes me forever to make a decision on anything that’s over $10. Jeans, bags, computers, you name it. Before I plunk down my money, I research the goods online. I ask my friends. I debate whether or not I really want the item. Usually, I break down and buy it anyway.
I did all of that for the waffle iron. I looked at the specs. I combed through reader reviews. I looked at the relative size of each appliance to my available kitchen counter space. And then, I weighed the most important factor, the biggest influence on my buying decision:
Do I want round waffles or square ones?
E and decided square iron plates would make for better sandwich making waffles. So we ordered up this guy. We can’t wait to fire up this bad boy!
photo above by Ron Paul

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