E’s assessment of this morning’s sandwich: “Boring. Unimaginative. Lazy. It’s like you sat on the couch and ate Cheetos instead of making me a nice breakfast. I have nothing nice to say.”
I tried to make him a breakfast he’d like. Really, I did. Instead, I made him a breakfast I liked. Fried egg and avocado. Healthy, simple, satisfying, right? I thought so, until I saw E pulled up the fried egg to scoop off the avocado from the English muffin, and ate the friend egg and English muffin on its own.
“I don’t like avocado on my sandwiches,” he declared. Fail.
Because he hated it, he said it only counted for a quarter of a real sandwich. Looks like I’ll have to make something so awesome for Valentine’s Day, it can count as two sandwiches.
1 egg
1/2 avocado, sliced
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon olive oil
Fry egg. Toast English muffin. Drizzle olive oil on both sides (a light drizzle). Layer slices of avocado on one side. Place fried egg on top. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Enjoy (or , if you’re E, don’t enjoy).

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