By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Dessert, recipes | Tags : easy, fig, Orange, recipe, ricotta, sandwich, strawberry, sweet, Valentine's Day, warm
Being we’re a few days from Valentine’s Day, I wanted something to get E and I in the mood.
My friend Laci passed on a recipe she found on the Internet for the “aphrodisiac” sandwich, including figs, ricotta cheese, honey and orange. The figs are said to increase fertility, and the honey was used in Ancient love potions and said to boost libido. The orange and ricotta complimented the other two ingredients. What better time than to use those ingredients on a sandwich than a few days before Valentine’s Day?
Last night, I had to head out to a fashionable event with my girlfriends to celebrate Fashion Week. Poor E had to fend for Sunday dinner alone, while I got dolled up and had dinner out. Before I left, I made him the aphrodisiac sandwich, just to give him a little something to miss me even more while I was gone. I added strawberries because they were easier to find than fresh figs, and used fig jam we had on hand instead. I layered the goods on a warm toasty Portuguese muffin, sort of like an English muffin, but heartier and bigger.
E inhaled the dessert-y treat, then snuggled with me on the couch. “An aphrodisiac sandwich, huh? You trying to tell me something?” When I got home from the dinner, I saw how much that sandwich actually worked in turning him on. I’ll spare you the details—we keep it PG-13 here at 300 Sandwiches!
I’m thinking about how to entice E on Valentine’s Day: maybe I’ll blast some Marvin Gaye and cook dinner in something black and silky. Or declare Friday night a bath and chocolate night, where we order in, draw a bath and eat dessert in bed. But I won’t do anything I wouldn’t do any other night of the week—no one can get in the mood if they feel their partner is ‘faking it.’ Besides, whatever lovey-dovey things we do on Feb. 14 are just a precursor to when we really get it on the next day—on the slopes in Vermont for another snowboarding trip.
For two travel junkie jocks in love, there’s really nothing sexier than adventure sports à deux.
2 crumpets or 3-meal muffins (English muffins also work here)
1/3 cup sliced strawberries
4 or 5 slices oranges
1 tablespoon honey
3 tablespoons ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons fig jam
pat of butter
Melt butter in skillet, and toast crumpets. Remove from heat, and on both crumpets, smooth on fig butter, then ricotta cheese. Then on one side of each crumpet, layer on sliced strawberries and oranges. Drizzle honey over fruit. Top with other side of crumpet, slice in half and serve. Makes two sandwiches.
*English muffins work here, too, but I liked the large size and sweetness of the crumpet or 3-meal muffin, which they sell at my local gourmet food shop. It also stands up to the orange slices, which can make other bread soggy.

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