Archive | June, 2015

Meerkating and Breakfast

Though I work in media, started a blog documenting my relationship and wrote a memoir slash cookbook, I am a shy person. But this blog, and being on social media and having articles written about me and my sandwiches, have helped me to not only break out of my shell a bit, but to have […]

The Wedding Cake We Left Behind

E and I have already broken one wedding tradition: saving the top of your wedding cake for the first anniversary. Newlyweds are supposed to freeze the top of their wedding cake and eat it on their first wedding anniversary. It’s tradition. it’s good luck. And I’m all for doing whatever I can to bless my […]

The 300 Wedding: The Highlight Reel

photo by Gina Francesca Photography and Design Wow. The 300 wedding was the absolute most fun I’ve ever had in my life!

Thank You!

E and I are packing up for our wedding, but wanted to give a quick thank you to all of the media outlets, bloggers, fans and friends who have given love to our book “300 Sandwiches: A Multilayered Love Story, with Recipes.” E and I are truly touched by your support. Bon Appetit, one of […]
