By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Weddings | Tags : crappy guests, elopement, etiquette, moody, univited, wedding
Now is the time for E and I fantasize about our wildest dreams for this wedding. Before money and logistics become real issues, we can think out loud about renting that castle in England and having me walk Bengal tigers down the aisle while E’s doppleganger from “True Blood,” preside over the ceremony.
And we can laugh about it. And we can enjoy that moment of laughing about it. Even if there’s no chance in hell for us to snag that castle (the Bengal tigers? Maybe).
I hit the last straw with an unsupportive wedding guest who has complained about every idea we’ve had so far. “Well you know so and so won’t come.” “Oh no that can’t work.” “But you know I don’t like the islands…” Seriously, I’m tired of hearing what your problems are. It’s not your wedding. Don’t put limits on my fantasy before it’s necessary. Your killing my wedding vibe, man.
My advice to anyone talking to a bride to be about her wedding: nod and smile. The ceremony, the location, her ideas and inspiration… none of that is about you.
All a bride wants is support.
If she doesn’t get it, she may just do it without you.
Did you ever feel like this before you got married? Do you know anyone else who did? What was your reaction? Leave a comment below or shoot a note to us at Any advice would be appreciated!

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