Tag Archives | dinner

Sandwich #29–“Dark and Stormy” French Dip

This week was super busy. It’s Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York. I write about fashion, so Fashion Week keeps me out at both shows and parties, plus I have to looks my chicest and skinniest next to all of the models, editors and other fashion hangers on that believe Champagne and cigarettes make for […]

Sandwich #28–“Ragin’ Reuben” Sandwich

I didn’t make any sandwiches over Labor Day weekend. This is why. E and I had little time to ourselves last week. We worked, we entertained, and we passed out every night too exhausted for pillow talk. I also got so caught up in making sandwiches that I was leaving little time for E outside […]

Sandwich #26–“French Tuesdays” Croque Madame

“Croque madame,” E suggested over text message. “You eat ham?” I asked. I learn something new about my boyfriend every day. I’m not too fond of white creamy sauces (my thighs expand at the mere sight of them), nor was I looking forward to having to top this cheesy sandwich with a runny egg. But […]

Sandwich #10– “Dry the Day After” Italian Sloppy Joe

E and I had a major weekend. There was Champagne. And Rose. And sake. And more wine. And a hangover (mine, not his). But there was also a new addition to the family. On Saturday, E and I got a car together, a beautiful crossover SUV big enough for our snowboarding gear, groceries, friends, power […]

Sandwich #9–“Home Early” Lamb Burger with Feta

I was in the mood for lamb burgers (and as you read in the previous post, you know a burger does qualify as a sandwich). We’ve been growing a ton of parsley and mint in our herb garden, and I wanted an excuse to use some of it.  The lamb burgers recipe I use calls […]

Sandwich #5–“Hot as Hell” Salmon Sandwich with Avocado Mash

Saturday night. 8 PM. It was an ass-frying 95 degrees today. Asphalt melting, dog sweating, kids swarming the ice cream truck kinda hot. And of course, E was in the mood for a sandwich for dinner. I needed something that would be refreshing and not require a lot of time around the stove. Tonight was […]
