Sponsored Post: Fig Jam Grilled Cheese Inspired by Wen Fig Cleansing Conditioner

By 300 Sandwiches

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figonionsandWENFigs. I love them. Particulary fresh, particulary on a sandwich.

The fiber rich fruit is usually best in the fall, when most grocery stores have pints of them stocked in their produce departments. I slice them up fresh and pop them in my mouth, or layer them on top of my Greek yogurt. E always hunts for them when he goes grocery shopping, and is proud when he can find a spare pint well into the fall. When they’re not in season, I buy fig jam and stir that into my yogurt, or spread onto sandwiches, like this delicious grilled cheese pictured above.

I also discovered that figs could be grrrreeeat for my hair. In between watching “House Hunters” or some CSI-type detective show, my tv channel lands on those commercials for Wen Hair Care products. I’m always amazed the lustrous transformation of heads of hair from frizzy frizzballs to shiny and soft with their products. Then I’m so entranced by the ads I watch them all the way through and forget to flip back to “House Hunters.”

Somehow, the makers of such products must have heard about my affinity for their commercials, and sent me some products to try. One of which was the delicious Fig Cleansing Conditioner.

I recently chopped off a few inches to give my curls some bounce, and their Fig Cleansing Conditioner leaves my hair light, springy and smelling like an orchard (I’ve come thisclose to eating a small amount, but I’ve refrained). My hair felt nourished from the conditioner after I’d rinsed it out, and stayed shiny and frizz free through the day.

Figs: good for you inside and out, it seems. If you can’t find figs in the store right now, at least you can get your fig fix through this shampoo.

1 onion, chopped
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 slices bread
2 tablespoons fig jam (this one is one of my favorites)
3 or 4 slices brie

Caramelize onions: 2 tablespoons butter, melted in pan. Add onions. Sprinkle on salt. Simmer for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown, stirring frequently. Onions are done when they turn a translucent, golden brown.

Smooth butter on one side of bread slices. Flip over and smooth on fig jam on one slice, brie on another. Then scoop on caramelized onion, and sandwich the two slices together. Warm in a skillet over medium heat or in a panini press.
Slice in half and serve.

This post brought to you by Wen Hair Care as part of their blogger ambassador program. For more on Wen Hair Care products, go here.

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