E and I only spend a few hours a day together during the week, most of those spent sleeping side by side in bed. But when the weekend comes, we have been spending our quality time snowboarding. I’m not supposed to work out regularly yet (still recovering from surgery) but snowboarding works the lower body, and I haven’t popped a stitch doing housework or any other activity. To the slopes I go! I’ll be careful mom, I promise.
We’ve taken two trips to Killington, VT this winter, and had amazing conditions the last time we went. E even bought his own snowboard during our last trip, obsessed with not only the sport itself but the image of Galileo on the front of the board (“I’m a nerd, honey!” E admitted). I thought it was a silly reason to buy a $500 snowboard, but his riding has improved greatly with the new equipment, so he can keep up with me on the mountain easier. This means more fun on the slopes, happier conversation over apres ski, and a better time together overall. Thank you, Galileo.
When we board, we leave our apartment at 5 AM on Saturday, well before my eyes can focus, to head up to Vermont. We depart so quickly that there’s no time to make coffee, much less a proper breakfast. I’m a zombie when that alarm rings at 4:30am, bumping around the house with half-closed eyes, cursing the moment we decided to make this crazy trip. But we can usually get our first run in by 11 am. I stop cursing once we hit the slopes.
Usually we rush out of the house to get out of the city as fast as possible, then seek out food and coffee somewhere along the highway. Instead of eating a greasy sausage egg and cheese on a biscuit, this sandwich is a easy, portable snack to give us enough energy to start our drive. It a bit of protein so we don’t feel like it’s just dessert but enough sugar to give us a jolt until we find coffee at the first Dunkin’ Donuts I can make out when my eyes finally focus.
2 pieces of bread
spread peanut butter
spread Nutella
shake of powdered sugar
Take two pieces of bread (toast them if you have time. I usually do not.) Spread peanut butter on one, Nutella on the other. Stack on top of other. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top if you like. Cut in half. Race out the door to get on the road before the sun comes up. Don’t forget your goggles.

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