By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Lunch, recipes | Tags : banh mi, Easter, egg, egg salad, lunch, recipe, sandwich, spring
You must have plenty of eggs lying around your house after Easter.
Maybe you dyed them. Maybe you fried them for brunch.
You know what I did with mine? I made them the devil.
Deviled eggs remind me of spring luncheons or block parties, or late nights at a local pub. The last time I had delicious deviled eggs might have been at Spotted Pig in the West Village. That was before E and I were engaged. We weren’t even living together.
This weekend felt like the first real spring weekend we’ve seen–sunny skies, birds chirping, bare ankles and sunglasses, tourists in my neighborhood. I wanted to make a sandwich that reflected the lighter environment. Banh mis to me are refreshing and palate cleansing, with all that leafy cilantro and sweet pickled vegetables piled on crusty bread.
I didn’t even bother dyeing eggs for Easter, though I did buy an egg decorating kit from Duane Reade and I was hellbent on doing so but by the time noon on Easter Sunday rolled around I was hungry and needed food and out of coffee and that one Cadbury egg I picked up in the checkout line just wouldn’t be enough.
I used the creamy egg yolk mixture as a spread, and sliced up the egg whites to layer on the bread. I pickled some carrots and cabbage quickly in a quick vinegar and sugar bath, and chopped up cilantro. And since most traditional banh mis have some sort of pork element, I added crispy bacon. Naturally.
The sandwich was a light yet substantial lunch for E and I as we watched documentaries on the couch. We crunched down on all of the layers of this sandwich, every bit more satisfying than the other. I looked at that egg decorating kit on the counter. Sorry, buddy. Maybe next year.
6 eggs
4 to 5 strips bacon
2 baguettes
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1/2 teaspoon srirachia
1 /2 teaspoon paprika
black pepper
1 cup carrots, shredded
1 cub cabbage, shredded
1/2 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup water
1 cup cilantro, shredded
1/2 cup cucumber, sliced
Hard boil eggs: in a saucepan, place eggs in one layer and cover with enough water so there’s about 1 1/2 inches of water over the eggs. Place saucepan uncovered on heat and bring to a boil. Then cover, and boil for a minute. Remove from heat and let eggs sit covered for about 14 minutes. Remove, and run eggs under cold water. Peel shells off of eggs while under cold water. Place aside.
Slice eggs in half, and squeeze out cooked egg yolks into one bowl, the egg whites in another. Break apart yolks with a fork, and combine the egg yolks with the mayonnaise, mustard, srirachia, paprika and black pepper. Stir until smooth. Check taste. Set aside.
Combine shredded carrots, cabbage into a bowl and combine with water, vinegar, and sugar. Let sit for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cook bacon until crisp.
Brown baguettes. Assemble sandwiches: smooth deviled egg yolks onto baguettes. Layer egg white slices onto bread. Then layer on bacon, cucumber, pickled carrots and cabbage, cilantro and a bit of srirachia if you want more spice. Close up and serve. Makes 2 sandwiches.

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