By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Uncategorized | Tags : 300 Sandwiches, Amazon, book, novel, pre-sale, writing
I’m back. And the book is in to my publisher!
I know what you’re thinking—“homegirl got her ring so she’s not going to finish making the 300 damn sandwiches. I knew it!”
Not so much. I had to take some time off and finish the damn book.
My editors had been patient enough with me as I enjoyed my engagement and grieved over losing my father. But I signed a contract, as did they, to produce a book. So with sheer determination, butt in chair and words on page—and on those most frustrating moments, a dash of tequila on the rocks, just enough to stir the imagination—I got ‘er done.
Though I just turned in a draft, I see that the book is already up for pre-sale on Amazon! Oh. Em. Gee! That’s right, you can get the book already, even before we’ve designed the cover! Go to the link and get your copy.
Before you get your hopes up, there is no chance you will get the first one. My mom already snagged that one. “FIRST!” she said. I love you, Mom.

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