By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in recipes, Snacks | Tags : clean eating, easy, Forbidden Foods, green, healthy, kale, recipe, smoothie, spinach
This. This is what divides our household. Vegetables. Greens to be specific.
I needed a clean start after eating my fair share of carbs, cookies and bread during the holidays. Green juice had to be my new substitute for wine, particularly after having too much wine on New Year’s Eve. So on Jan. 1, I bought all of the greens I could find at the local deli—parsley, green apples, kale, even mint—and made green shakes for the first days of 2015.
E naturally, finds these things despicable. Greens, as you know, are against his religion. Anything dark green and leafy likely ends up on his Forbidden Foods list. But to me, they’re a necessity.
I’ve been making this green smoothie to wash down my sandwiches and as a breakfast treat. E’s been turning his nose up at them. He won’t kiss me on the lips after I drink a green shake. He didn’t even want me to write this post celebrating such despicable foods. But he’s missing out. Big time.
This smoothie is easy to make, delicious, creamy and refreshing. It will help you feel better about achieving those New Year’s Eve resolutions to eat clean. It’ll also help you feel less guilty about breaking said healthy resolutions when you make homemade marshmallows with your brand new KitchenAid mixer while slurping down your green drink. Like I did, last night. There’s like three types of sugar in a homemade marshmallows recipe. Ah well.
Life is about balance, y’all. Enjoy.
3/4 cup chopped kale
1/4 cup spinach
1 green apple, chopped
1 cup ice
1 cup almond milk
1/2 teaspoon ground fresh ginger (no, it’s not green, but it’s translucent. So I squeeze it in)
Toss all in blender. Blend until well combined and smooth. Pour into glass. Makes about 2 8-ounce servings.

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