By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Lunch, recipes | Tags : banh mi, chicken, cilantro, easy, lunch, summer, Sunday
I’ve done five versions of banh mi sandwiches since I started this blog. I guess I really love cilantro or something.
This weekend, E and I went to a rocking wedding in the city, drank way too much wine, and spent all of Sunday indoors, with unkempt hair and sweatpants on. In between researching Caribbean islands for our own possible wedding locations, we had to eat.
E made a delicious pistachio soufflé after finding a recipe online that looked enticing and challenging enough to recreate. He does not do basic desserts, no sir! Though I should have been a bit more original with my lunch, I was too tired to get off the couch. “How about I pick up a rotisserie chicken from Forager’s down the road?” I offered. I finished my soufflé, then put my shoes on and headed out.
The best effort I could do on a hot lazy Sunday was a bahn mi sndwich. All I had to do was cut up some vegetables, carve the chicken, stack and serve. I’ve done five versions, including turkey and steak, so far on 300. We eat these like most people eat peanut butter and jelly.
After assembling a quick banh mi for E and I, I ate another one of Mr. 300 Sandwiches’ pistachio soufflés, inhaling it before the dessert deflated out of the oven. Warm and light and sweet that small pot of goodness was. Maybe we’ll serve those at the wedding….
bread (nice, crusty baguette will do)
slices of chicken
pickled carrots
red onion
sriracha mayonnaise
On baguette, slather mayonnaise. Then stack chicken, cilantro, carrots, cucumber, and red onion. Toast sandwich in panini press, if preferred, or slice in half and serve.

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