When I cook, I now have an audience of two — even though my biggest fan isn’t eating solid foods just yet.
During mealtime, E often puts Q on his lap and sits at the kitchen counter with her (at a safe distance away from any splattering pans or sharp knives). She watches intently as veggies get chopped and tossed into bowls. She’s enthralled by the shapes and the colors, and sometimes she smacks her lips (not sure if that’s an involuntary response or a voluntary, approving gesture or her telling us she’s hungry, but it’s cute and it’s worth reporting). She’s still a few weeks away from trying her first solid foods. But she knows it’s coming. And she’s excited that they’re coming.
Time in the kitchen with Q is about entertaining a little human being who’s only been on this earth for four months and is bewildered by every new thing she sees. It’s about introducing this little person to vegetables, to fruits, to meats. It’s teaching her about colors, shapes, sounds, and eventually tastes through cooking. When I see her look intently at every move I make while I’m in the kitchen, my heart flutters. I must admit, it’s a better feeling that when E reacted to the first time I made a sandwich.
When Q watches, I slowly narrate everything I’m doing (“I’m going to toss the tomatoes into the pan and sautéed them”; “I’m chopping peppers for the chili because it’s delicious.”). It’s like being on a cooking show but with a much smaller, pickier, audience with a less developed palate.
Right now, the only thing I make for Q is formula, but I can’t wait to make her first meals—she’s going to start on pureed vegetables in a few weeks. E and I are already debating which veggie to start with first ( I vote carrots–bright in color, neutral in taste). It will be fun to test out different fruits and veggies every day and watch her reaction. Will she love sweet potatoes as we do? Will she despise parsnips (E will be so disappointed–he loves them). Either way, I can’t wait to help her discover her palate.
Until then, Q, enjoy this hand crafted bottle of formula I spend all day slaving over.

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