By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Weddings | Tags : island, travel, venues, wedding, wedding planning, Wedding Wednesday
It’s about time we started wedding planning! Welcome to Wedding Wednesday!
E and I have been engaged for more than two months, but we’ve had little time to daydream about what we want to do for a wedding. But, we’re going to start! Today! Right, E?
(sound of snores coming from the bedroom)
Okay, tomorrow!
The big question: destination or New York area wedding? I’m told you’re supposed to pick the venue first and then plan everything else around that. But I can’t decide if I want a big party in New York, or a destination wedding on an island. I don’t want to ask our guests to get a second mortgage on their house to come to our wedding. But I am hellbent on a beach venue. I want water, palm trees, sand, and to not have to wear heels to the reception.
Choices we’re considering include a nearby island, like Barbados, returning back to the scene of our engagement. That would be so special for us, plus, E could kitesurf all week while we’re there. It’s also convenient to get to for most of our guests, and relatively affordable. Plus, they have a national sandwich–the fish cutter!
Hawaii has also been discussed. I’ve never been, but E loves Maui. Great kitesurfing spot, great views, mountains and beach. But it’s a bit far for our East Coast friends, and guests would most like have to plan to come for a week to make the all day flight worth their while. And, do they have a national sandwich? More research is needed.
Sigh. I guess I won’t be able to make a decision until I…. take scouting trips teach one!
Pack your bags, E.
We’re taking any and all suggestions on how to plan a fantastically fun wedding! What should I consider in planning a destination wedding? Leave your advice below or on’s Facebook page!
photo above by Shutterstock.

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