By 300 Sandwiches
Posted in Baby, Dessert, Holidays | Tags : baby, baking, Christmas, cookies, eating, holidays
Our best sandwich to date arrived a month ago–our daughter, Q (yes, we’re late on the announcement, but we posted about it on our on Instagram feed, didya see?)
This baby is the most scrumptious, funniest little being I have ever met. She’s the perfect blend of E and I with a personality that keeps us both on our toes. I’m beyond happy. I’m filled with more love than I every thought possible. I haven’t stopped smiling since I heard her cry for the first time. E and I now have our own little family. See what good can come out of making someone a sandwich?
Yes, I have felt all of the feelings described in those mushy Hallmark cards and Instagram posts from new moms– “I have never felt love like this before.” “She’s touched my life in so many ways.” What I don’t feel like is eating. I should be taking this time to enjoy whatever foods I want because dammit I brought a life into this world and I deserve to treat thyself, but I simply have not found the time to cook what I really want. The baby needs my constant attention, and when she’s not in my arms I’m cleaning up the debris trail of burp cloths, clothes, toys, bottles, blankets and other baby goods my little tornado has left in her path.
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are about as advanced cooking I’ve pulled off in recent weeks. Oatmeal if I have an extra 20 minutes. Greek yogurt, fruit and nuts are enough fuel to last me until until Q’s next feeding.
Some foods have become staples (Nutella…our bond became strong during pregnancy and has only strengthened postpartum. I’ll never let go, Nu. Never let go). Others have been reintroduced into my diet (oh coffee… how I missed you so. Now that I’m not pregnant, we can tango once again). Some I still pine for but can’t quite yet invest (wine….how I want to engulf you with open arms and mouth, but yet we’re still at arms length as I’m nursing. In due time, old pal). And some days, I honestly forget to eat. Hours will go by where I have provided several feedings for the kid, but not for myself.
Now that it’s the holidays, I am going to force myself to cook. Nothing says merry merry like baked goods or something roasting in the oven. Gingerbread and shortbread cookies are top priority. E has already put in his request for sugar cookies. I’m hungry just thinking about all of this. Let’s hope Q stays asleep long enough for me to make a batch of each.

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