After staying up until 2:30 AM last night writing (yes, my computer worked after dropping it on my foot), I needed vitamins.
I made another loaf of bread last night, this time a whole wheat one. But I think my active yeast went bad or I forgot to add something because the loaf didn’t rise as high as I wanted. The bread is still delicious, but I’m eating it more like breadsticks. The loaf is too odd shaped for sandwiches.
Anyway, I woke up this morning feeling like a drunk zombie after only 5 hours of sleep. I needed coffee and vitamins, stat. I figured a good beet and greens sandwich, on wheat bread, would help me wake up. And, E, too. He worked late last night with me, and was up at his desk before I was.
I freaking love beets. Love love love. I love ’em plain, or in salad. I had a minor heart attack the first time that my pee turned purple from eating so many, but I still love ’em. And, roasting beets also allowed me to grab another hour sleep while they cooked.
And, perhaps, more shuteye while I took the photo above…
2 slices thick whole wheat bread or English muffins
3-4 slices roasted beets
1/3 cup greens (spinach for me, mixed greens for E)
2 tablespoons goat cheese
olive oil, to drizzle or dress greens
salt and pepper
Roast beets (oven at 400 degrees. Scrub beets, but don’t dry them. Wrap loosely in aluminum foil. Roast for about 50 minutes to an hour, or until fork easily pierces skin). When cool, slice. Toast bread. Dress greens in olive oil. Smooth on goat cheese, then layer on greens and beets. Shake on salt and pepper. Slice and serve.

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