Because it’s so hot outside that we cannot be bothered to sweat on the beach and would rather sit inside in our air conditioned apartment and start packing for our honeymoon, I made homemade lobster rolls. Just as good as the first time I did them.
I’ve spent all summer eating these things. Seriously, this is probably my 376th lobster roll. But it’s better than it being my 376th fried Twinkie. Or 376th cigarette. Or 376th shot of whiskey this week. See, there are worse addictions.
This time, I just made the lobster rolls with a bit of Old Bay seasoning, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and black pepper. No celery. And, the lobster had even more flavor because I added white wine, olive oil, parsley and salt to the boiling water before I plopped those live suckers in.
The photo above is much better than the previous roll, too. I’ve learned better photography and better lobster roll prep in the time of 300 sandwiches.
Happy weekend. Hope you’re staying cool.

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